Academic Calendar
Looking for registration deadlines, spring break or when grades are due? Our academic calendar has all of the important events for this academic year.
Sociology and Anthropology is a great major if you are interested in working with people, either in direct service or at the community or organizational level. The tools of these disciplines help with communication, planning, organizational thinking,
Sociology and Anthropology is a great major if you are interested in working with people, either in direct service or at the community or organizational level.
The tools of these disciplines help with communication, planning, organizational thinking, respect, social and cultural analysis, and leadership.
Sociology and anthropology majors are prepared for a wide range of careers dealing with people, cultures, and communities. Students go into careers in law, law enforcement, social justice work, education, social services, political organizing, international development, management, research, community development, museum, and archival work. Many bring their social scientific training to health fields, including public health and public administration, or they become educators.
of job growth projected for anthropologists and archaeologists between 2021-2031 (around average job growth)
of job growth projected for sociologists between 2021-2031 (around average job growth)
of sociologists are involved with research and development within the social sciences and humanities
Graduates who have earned a Sociology and Anthropology degree from Elmira College have become key contributors in many different workplaces, such as:
Our alumni have held positions such as assistant director of civic engagement, program advisor for civic engagement initiatives, associate director – higher education partnerships, director – advancement research advisory services, teacher, senior lecturer, special education teacher, associate attorney, director of programs, nephrology social worker, therapeutic support staff, and senior director of annual giving.
The Office of Career Services can help you take the next steps with your EC education when you're ready.